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Has the Natural Hair Movement Died?

It's 2023. We've been through a lot.

Over the last couple years, I've noticed that the number of people doing "big chops" & wearing their hair natural has faded. There are rare times where something "trendy" is actually good for you but returning Natural was one of them.

I think the current trends are unrealistic to maintain for the average person. Straightened hairstyles that wouldn't last more than a few days. We sometimes look to celebrities for inspiration, however they have stylists that are on hand to quickly fix a strand that's out of place.

I will say, I do not see or hear of people still using relaxers like I have in the past; which is the main initiative for the Natural Hair Movement. We now know they can cause cancer (thanks to all the lawsuit commercials). If you're reading this, I pray you don't use relaxers! I learned from a professional hair stylist YEARS ago that heat will straighten your hair, no need for the chemicals.

Maybe the movement hasn't died and people just aren't making a big deal about their hair because the world is in shambles?

I encourage you to wear your hair however you want but treat it well and it will return the favor. Since 2016 I went from straightening my hair every chance I could get to maybe 3-5x per year. I've noticed such a change in the overall health of my hair! It's thicker & stronger. I get scissor happy so I can't say longer 🤣

If you're looking for Curly/Natural hairstyle inspiration, check out YouTube and/or Pinterest. There are millions of tutorials from brave souls that were kind enough to record their process (good or bad) for us.

A great way to protect hair in any state, is with our Satin Lined Hats & Accessories. At NaturalBornHats we strive to create products that will improve and then maintain healthy hair/scalp. We also recommend using 100% Bamboo hair tools to style your hair. Bamboo is very strong, has antibacterial properties, & helps smooth the hair shaft creating less frizz.

Natural Hair isn't dead, we're just out here trying to function.

Be safe 🤎

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